We both swiped towards the right, what was deemed a match quickly escalated into something else. One swipe to the right rapidly transformed itself into an unexpected and uncomfortable situation. When behind a computer or smartphone, some men tend to build up a sort of misshapen courage and cockiness.
“Want to watch me jerk off?”
This was his opening line; the man with an inviting smile, a shirt and tie, and a profile that screamed professional. In some photos, he was surrounded by friends and family as they all laughed and enjoyed each other’s company, with others you could see his hobbies and warm nature, he even had a dog.
I didn’t think my photos were in the slightest provocative. I followed a very basic set of rules I had set out for myself. All photos would be from the neck or collarbone up, no duck face, and no friends in the photos. When matching with someone, I would not be the one to start the conversation and I would not lead anyone on. Some conversations made it easier to identify intent, be it to send naked photos of myself or to meet up for casual sex.
Conversations went in one of a few different directions, some would genuinely try to get to know me, others would start out that way, but then attempt to prompt some sort of sexual response, and then the bluntest would so elegantly ask if I wanted to fuck. The ones that asked me about myself and eventually steered the conversation towards something more sexual in nature were the most disappointing.
It was heart breaking to think someone gave a shit about you only to find out they were trying to disarm you and blind you with kindness. These were the most devious as they would practice the “art” of negging if the conversation didn’t go in their favour. Negging is the act of emotional manipulation whereby a person deliberately makes a backhanded compliment or otherwise flirtatious remark to another person to undermine their confidence and increase their need for the manipulator's approval. It was either that or they would flat out say I was a fat ugly bitch anyway and no wonder I was still single.
Being a woman can be scary, especially if you’re single with online dating. The amount of emotional stress is daunting; I’m not surprised so many women have their guards up so high. The unsolicited dick pics, being called a slut, fat, or a whore, and being treated like a piece of meat. You lose your identity.
I found this application on my phone that takes your face and can change it into a man if you’re a woman and a woman if you’re a man, I did the latter and made myself an online dating profile. The twenty-seven-year-old American boy in London was now a twenty-seven-year-old woman for a day. I have swiped a mile in someone else’s shoes and for lack of a better word, it’s exhausting.