iOS 11 was just announced !And I have it right on here,so let's discover all the new things together.And There's actually a lot of thingsthat they didn't even talk about,so I'm gonna show you guys.So here it is, iOS 11,right in front of my face.Before we begin, I just want to say,this weird black and white, black home button iPhonethat I have is just a cool DIY that I have going on.First thing I notice is when you power on the home screen,There's a new animation.It kind of just...(exhales sharply)It kinda slowly phased from the bottom to the top,and There's actually a lot of new animationsthat make the phone feel different.Like when you actually unlock the phone,lock screen just, woop, slides up into the top.Now, before we get into the big new features here,There's a couple little thingsI can really see is different,like the dock on the bottom.There's no more labels under the apps.You can see it looks a little cleaner and nice.I think I, yeah I definitely like it more.And on the top left, where you see your cell reception,they went back to bars instead of the circles that they had,which makes a lot of sense, ;cause usually you refer to that as bars instead of circles.Now let's slide up that Control Center,and wow, look at that difference!it's so much nicer looking now.First of all, I mean There's a lotof things to talk about here.But first of all, you don ;t have to swipethrough a bunch of different pages.I always thought that was so stupid, ;cause I would accidentally change the brightness,or change the volume.Everything ;s just all in one page, the way it should be.I love the way the brightness sliderand the volume slider looks now.You can 3D press on everything for more options.3D press on here, got more options.3D press on this stuff.Another cool thing they didn ;t tell you aboutis you can actually customize your Control Centerwhen you go into Settings.I'm going to Control Center,and whoa, you can just add and take away anything.So let's say I wanna an alarm, maybe a stopwatch, ;cause I use that for working out,so make it more accessible.Ooh, what ;s this?Screen recording, oh man,so you can record your screen I guess.I'm recording the screen!You used to have to plug it into your MacBookto record your screen, but now you can just do iton your phone, which is amazing.Another thing that ;s been redesignedis notification shade, which at first, when you pull down,it looks like you are just pulling down the lock screen,and you are thinking, what the heck is going on here?Now, I'm still trying to figure this out myself,I really don ;t completely understand what ;s going on here,but when your phone is unlockedand you receive notifications,you pull down that notification shade and they ;re all there.But, the moment that you lock your phone and unlock it,the only way to see them is to swipe up on this thingthat you see here, says Earlier today.I guess it's a way to stay more organized,but it does seem like extra's kinda weird that they got ridof the notification panel completely, it seems like.You just go straight to your lock screen,but I guess it could be helpful.Now, probably my favorite improvement with iOS 11is with the camera, specifically portrait mode.If you guys saw me on Instagram,you guys know I love me some portrait mode.And There's three big new things here!First of all, it's actually good in the's usable, you can even use the flash if you want.And probably my favorite thing is an HDR mode on here,so you can finally see those skies exposed really well.Live Photos also has a bunch of improvements,and I like Live Photos.I use it every once in a while.But what drives me crazy is when one of the framesfrom the Live Photo is betterthan the actual picture itself.Well, now you can choose the framefrom the Live Photo to be the main picture.There's also some other cool effectsthat you can do with Live Photos now,like you can loop them, you can bounce them,which is kind of like that boomerang thing from Instagram.And my favorite, long exposure.Now, it's not really long exposure,it's just using all those frames from the Live Photoand making a nice smooth picture.Now let's go into messages, ;cause There's some new things there.Oh, look at that, There's a new animationwhen you are going in and out of apps now.There's just so many little thingsthat really make it feel like a totally new phone.Now, with iMessage, it is much easierto do all the cool things that you can do there,like the digital touch messages, and stickers, and GIFs,all that stuff, I loved doing it,but it was so hard to do on here.But here on iOS 11, it's very easy ;cause it has its own little dock on the bottom.One thing that I can ;t really show you guys on here,but they did talk about, is person-to-person Apple Payembedded into iMessage, so it ;ll make it super easyto send money to your friends or whoever you owe money to.let's say I owe Douglass here some 20 bucks.I could just send it to him through iMessage,which is amazing!There's a couple new things with my girl Siri here.So, she understands context a lot better now,and she can translate languages too.let's say you really have to go to the potty bath.(chuckles) What?let's say you really have to use a pottyand you are in Mexico, ole, ole!How do you say that, Siri?(Siri speaking in Spanish)You could just say el bano, but whatever.Apple Maps got a huge upgrade,and who actually uses Apple Maps, honestly?I feel like we all use Google Maps, right?For one big reason, lane guidance!But it's now coming to Apple Maps,so we can all use Apple Maps now.And the App Store looks completely different.Completely redesigned.Again, it's looking like Apple Music,which looks beautiful in my opinion,is the text looks nicer and cleaner.Everything looks more modern looking.Now, There's a lot of new thingsthat Apple announced today besides iOS 11,like the new iMac Pro, some new Mac Books and iPads,and something completely new called HomePod,which my buddy Jonathan Morrison recappedin his full recap video, so make sure you go check that outif you want the full scoop of things.But anyway, thanks for watching, guys,and I'll see you later.